Home Theater Zaba


Zabowski im Roten Rathaus
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The band Zabowski has been founded in 2000 as a theatre chapel for the incidental music of Theater Zaba's shows. But soon the band started to independently perform. (Zabowski has been heard in the Rotes Rathaus and the Volksbuehne in Berlin as well as on vernisages and in several different cultural venues.)
2003 the band did a tour, travelling Spain and Switzerland. Zabowski played on the streets, in pubs and other public areas.
Today Zabowski consists of four musicians:
Antje (accordion),
Andre (guitar/bass),
Arne (flute/sax) und
Theire music is inspired by different styles and techniques, from south-eastern-european to latin american, to oriental or medival sounds.

Contact: zabowski@zaba.de